Terms and conditions
General conditions
Services of R&M Factory as manufacturer and seller are available only via this website https://tabletennis-pingpong.equipment in English. We are not able to accept orders from different sources.
This ‘Terms and Conditions’ contains the conditions of the contract between R&M factory and the Buyer.
Ordering process
Goods can be purchased in the webshop with or without registration. In case of registered purchase buyer have to fill out the registration form where the buyer accept that seller will record and handle these data in terms of the existing proper legislation.
Logging in
Registered customers are allowed to log in with using their user names and passwords. In case of forgotten password we are able to provide solution via that email address that is recorded during registration.
Choosing products
Selected products are accumulated to a virtual basket then during checkout process buyer order the content of the basket with registering shipping address. The webshop will send a customer notification to the registered email address in guaranteed 48 hrs after the order. If not buyer is able to cancel the order due to be exempted from the obligation to buy the goods. In case of empty stock we let the buyers know as soon as possible. All prices are for 1 item and includes VAT (27% according to the latest EU regulations we have to charge the domestic Hungarian VAT)
Modifying order
We endeavor to ship the product as soon as possible. According to that we are not able to modify the order in the most of the cases. Please let us know about any ordering mistake as soon as possible.